Monday 23 November 2009

various - "Alternativní kultura" (2001)

This is a compilation CD which was part of a huge compendium book about czech alternative culture between years 1945 and 1989. Included is alternative music such as PPU, or even heavy metal (Törr). The lyrics are in czech. Unfortunately three last tracks are textual experiments and poems and right know I have no translation for them.
Some recordings come from the interprets' golden years, some are later re-recordings.

1 The Plastic People of the Universe - Magické noci / Magical nights (6:18)
2 Aktuál - Atentát na kulturu / Attempt on life of culture (2:15)
3 DG-307 - Co sme / What we are (3:57)
4 DG-307 - Papírový absolutno / Paper absoluteness (3:13)
5 Umělá hmota - Barbara (4:31)
6 DG-307 - Opustil mě anděl / An angel left me (5:32)
7 Extempore - Varování darebáků ředitelem výzkumného ústavu / Warning the scoundrels by the director of the research institute (5:26)
8 Garáž - Comandante Cosa nostra (3:33)
9 MCH Band - Procházka kolem pivovaru / Walk around the brewery (8:11)
10 The Plastic People of the Universe - Podél zdi a doleva / Along the wall and to the left (4:16)
11 Máma Bubo - Nemám tvář / I've no face(5:17)
12 Národní třída - Je třeba si zvykat / There is need to break in to (1:37)
13 Precedens - Vlci / Wolves (2:35)
14 Ještě jsme se nedohodli - Koni / To horse (3:34)
15 Z kopce/Ošklid - Je naděje / There is hope (4:26)
16 Törr - Seru krev / I'm shitting blood (4:04)
17 Milan Nápravník - Moták / Code letter (2:41)
18 Ladislav Novák - Text pro M. N. / Text for M. N. (3:38)
19 Egon Bondy - Zbytky eposu / Remains of an epic (3:38)

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