Saturday 30 May 2015

Diamanda Galás - "The D-vine Punishment" (1986)

Diamanda Galás' album "The D-vine Punishment" was realeased back in 1986, then reissued with "The Saint of the Pit" (also 1986) in 1988 on one CD. The tracks from segment 'Deliver me from mine Enemies' were together in one track.

Because "The Saint of the Pit" was published without songs in one track, I propose you only "The D-vine Punishment" record. I think, that the CD reissue is still available at some retailers or via Discogs.

Below you can download the album with this segment split into individual tracks:

1 Deliver me from mine Enemies: This is the Law of the Plague (4:05)
2 Deliver me from mine Enemies: Deliver me from mine Enemies (2:46)
3 Deliver me from mine Enemies: We shall not accept your Quarantine (2:42)
4 Deliver me from mine Enemies: Εξελόυμε (2:38)
5 Deliver me from mine Enemies: Yιατί, Ó Θ-ός (3:05)
6 Deliver me from mine Enemies: Psalm 22 [excerpt] (3:58)
7 Free among the Dead: Psalm 88 (7:35)
8 Free among the Dead: Lamentations (2:45)
9 Free among the Dead: Sono l'Antichristo (3:12)

< Download >

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